NASA allows travel into International Space-Station but for private citizens
Well, is very hard to become Nasa astronaut as compare to get admission in Indian Institute of Management for an ordinary people. But for millions of dollars rich people, National Aeronautics and Space Administration has some good for them.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently announced that for the first time they are allowing a private citizen to fly in the International space-station, the only place currently lives off the planet. Nasa has decided to open a space station for commercial opportunities & has allowed a private firm to use the space station’s facilities in various ways.
Meanwhile, the manager of commercial space utilization at Nasa’s Johnson space center Mike Read said that “This is an investment in future for the demand for low earth platform”. And as of now, NASA has already selected 12 firms for the project.
Earlier, NASA has refused such activities as the cost to reach space station is too high. As per the reports, it would cost around $3 billion to $4 billion per annum, which means $8 million per day.
Moreover, by joining hands with the commercial sector, NASA could make more money which will help them in pursuing their other ambitious projects. As the news comes that, NASA is planning to prepare a new space station around the moon along with sending humans back towards the lunar surface.