As ‘Goats on Road’, we are fond of exploring, discovering the new things, interesting happenings around the corner and hence we aimed to set up a platform to put everything we come across during trip and tour whether it is new places, unique scenarios and food which are absolutely affordable and rich in taste.

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Around The World

Unique in Europe, Barcelona's Museum of Funeral Carriages houses an exquisite of Varieties. This Funeral Hearse Museum represents the finest in cadaver transportation. The Funeral of Carriages is situated in Spain's Barcelona! The collection comprises 13 beautifully ornate funeral carriages, 6 coaches designed to carry the relatives to the church and cemetery, as well as 3

Germany is renowned for its architectural gems, proud football scene and a prestigious musical legacy – from Bach to Kraftwerk. You'll find boutique hotels and luxurious spas that ooze urban style. Germany a place people die out to live in, the luxurious hotels in Germany make them a good for tourists. Bringing you list of four

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