Are you planning to travel in Summer? This tourism fair will help you!!
A Travel tourism fair is running at Khudiram Anushilan center in Kolkata. This fair is organized for tourists who are planning to visit in summer. About 100 agencies have participated in this fair and they have brought attractive offers for tourists.
CEO of Fairfirst Media Limited, Sanjeev Agarwal told Goats on Road that earlier this fair used to organized in July-August as many tourists used to visit because of Durge Puja. However, now the number of people vacationing in the summer has increased. Sanjeev said, “But in the past few years, we have noticed that both Gujarat and West Bengal the number of people travelling during the summer season has increased a lot”, he added.
Isra Stapanaseth, director, Tourism Authority of Thailand said, almost 10% of tourists visiting Thailand from India are from India are from Kolkata.
Thailand is the feature country with Himachal Pradesh as the feature state. The other Indian states and territories that are showcasing their destinations are Delhi, Chandigarh, Haryana, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Uttar Pradesh.