This 80-Year Old Lady in Tamilnadu sells Idli, Sambar & Chutney @Rs.1
Eighty-year-old Kamalathal, a native of Vadivelampalayam near Perur in Tamil Nadu, has been selling idli, sambar and chutney for rupee one only for the past thirty years from Kamalathal’s shop.
Ten years ago, the price of idli was 50 paise, but she is not willing to hike the price even after the consumers asked her. She has a reason for it as majority of the people in Vadivelampalayam are economically weak and earn their lively hood on daily wage basis so it is difficult for them to pay Rs 15-20.
She makes tasty idlis in her house for which she use to grind six kg. of rice and urad dal (uzhunnu) for the idli batter on previous day. She starts her work on the next day in the morning and sells almost 1000 idlis daily. There is a specialty in serving too. The hot yummy idlis are served on leaves of teak and banyan.
Padmapriya Chariar
Namaskaram to this sevak.