This is World’s Smallest Country!!
Our world doesn’t stop surprising us, and so here is an astonishing fact from the world geography. What according to you is the smallest country in the world? Vatican City you say? We say otherwise. Conflicting claims have suggested that the smallest country in the world is a micro-nation known as Sealand.
This country is the country where only 27 people live and it is the micronation of the world. It was built by Britain during World War-II. The sea Land is situated on a ruined Fort which is about 10 km from England’s Sophocles Coastline. Sealand is known as Mike Nation. It is occupied by different people. A person named Roy Bates declared himself King of Sea land on October 9, 2012.
After the death of Roy Bates, his son Michael handles this. It is notable that the Micro Nation is called the countries which are not officially recognized as a country and Sealand is also known as “Micro Nation”.Sealand has not been recognized as a country at the international level. But like other countries, Sealand also has its own currency and postage stamp.
Besides Stamps, Sealand also has a football team, stamps, weddings, passport, flag, currency, national anthem, coins, and more. Some call it the smallest country in the world; some say it is the shortest country in the world, why don’t you pay a visit and see for yourself? It is indeed a geographical wonder.